As a young lad dicks were everywhere. At school when we were forced to shower and our dicks floped allround. When I played with my friends we would pull out our dicks and take a piss on everyones lawn. Yes dicks have always had a place in my life and soon they will be everything. What now? Go [[fined more Dicks]] Do nothing [[I hate dicks]]Embracing your new destiny you search the world for dicks. Yet you are soon captured by dick hating NAZIs who have one objective. To rid the world of all dicks yet to accomplish this goal they need cash so they give you a choice. What do you do? be sold to man eating [[space cows]] be sold to [[NASA]]You have refused to embark on a dickish adventure, you grow old and eventually die from a dick related disease. What now? become a [[spooky ghost.]] Rot in the [[ground.]]As a ghost you learn of a deep seeded pashion for dicks that binds you to the mortal world. You travel house to house looking for dicks to haunt. What do you do? Fined a really [[massive dick to haunt]] [[Still hate dicks]]You rot in the ground. What now? Travel back to the time of your youth and give this dickish adventure thing a second chance? [[time stuff]] become a [[zombie.]]You explode out of the ground, your dick is twelve feet long. Someone has experimented with your dick by adding parts of other dicks onto yours. You now have a super zombie dick that you name Jerry. What now? Wake up your zombie bros and have them [[worship your dick.]] go hunt for some [[brains.]] Sorry life is a dick and you dont get second chances to go on a magicale dickish adventure. Your story ends here.You go nocking on tombstones and screaming at the ground 'look at my dick' You look really stupid and eventually stop when you realize no one wants to look at Jimmy. What now? Apologies to [[Jimmy]] Lash out in rage at some [[random grave]]As you go on the hunt for brains with Jimmy bouncing all over the place you eventually come to a city. You hear a scream then see an officer of the law pointing a gun at you. Throwing your arms up in the air Jimmy points up as hard as he can mimicking your movments. Startled by this strange site the officer fires the gun. What do you do? Allow Jimmy to dive in front of the [[gun shot.]] Push Jimmy out of the way and [[take the shot]]You apologies to Jimmy and Jimmy slaps you in the face. With that act you know what to do! What do you do? Dig up one of these lazy doosh wagons and force them to [[look at Jimmy]] [[Slap Jimmy]]You walk over to a random grave and start punching it and then suddenly a hole to hellp opens up. You fall a great distance till you eventually hit some ground. What do you do? Use Jimmy [[to scout around]] [[Scream]]Jimmy takes the shot and slowly goes limp. Jimmy moves his head slightly as if trying to give you his last words yet he cant sense he is a dick and has no mouth. Eventully he goes so limp that no movment at all can be felt. You are so crush by this sudden loss that you hang your self on near by tree with the long shaft of your dead Jimmy. This is the end of your adventure.You see Jimmy attempt to dive in front of you but like the manly man you are you shove your Jimmy out of the way and take the shot. You fall to the ground and await for death.. Then you soon remember as a zombie gun shots cant kill you. What do you do? Rip open the cops skull and [[drink his brains]] [[play dead]]You run at the officer trying to make scary zombie sounds yet they come out as muffled growns sense Jimmy keeps hitting you in the face as you run. Eventually you trip and fall yet the officer is no longer scared by your presence he is aroused. He picks you up, calls his brothers, sissters, cousin twice removed and tells him of your sexy act. They fly you out to Hollywood were you shoot porn for years and years till you die agin from a sex related disease. This is the end of your adventure.You play dead up to the point where you realize your on fire and that the youth culture of today grew up on zombie games and zombie movies and know that one gun shot would not kill you. You beat the glass window of the incinerator with your little Jimmy till you turn to dust. This is the end of your adventure.Double-click this passage to edit it.You slap Jimmy and Jimmy slaps you back. You both repeat this cycle till you hear something. You yell at Jimmy to stop, a moment of pause accures then Jimmy slaps you once more. What do you do? Hunt [[for the sound]] [[slap Jimmy once more]]You let Jimmy scout around, he moves like an earth worm through the earth and pops out a few from you. Some fire from a near by inferno pit leaps onto Jimmy in a panic Jimmy rolls around trying to put it out. What do you do? Stomp on Jimmy to [[put it out]] Keep your face [[in the ground]]You scream at the top of your lungs and are sundenly picked up by a winged demon. He lifts you up high into the firey red sky. What do you do? Use Jimmy [[as a wip]] See where [[this goes]] You take your Jimmy and start hitting the demon with it. The demon does not express pain rather is anoyed that some guy his hitting him with his dick.After you spend a whole hour hitting this demon with your dick you noticed a sea of lava right below you. The demon chuckles and drops you. This is the end of your adventure.You enjoy the ride and then are droped in front of a massive demon. This demon is a massive blob of dicks with a face and it states to you 'come be one with me' What do you do? [[ok]] [[never!]] You desperatley stomp on Jimmy to put him out yet all that does is feed the flame with your rotting flesh. Soon Jimmy disconnects himself from you and pufs into smoke. What do you do? Have a [[moment of silence]] [[NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!]]You let Jimmy burn and like one of those old cartoony bombs with a fuse the fire made its way to you. You burn quickly and poof into dust, your ashes are then picked up by some demons and are used as flavoring for their cocoa. This is the end of your adventure.You just go with the flow and are eaten... (You deserved this you hippie) This is the end of your adventure.You scream at the top of your lungs 'NEVER!' The demon then moves in on you rasing a massive dick shaped tentcale into smashing position. You look around and see a rock wall and get and idea. Use a super ninja move to [[doge the tenmtacle]] WIth a casual tone walk over [[to the rock wall]]You attempt an action movie doge roll yet fuck it up and get smashed in the process. This is the end of your adventure.You notice the dick monster is really slow and take your time making it to the rock wall. Eventually you make it to the wall taking a few rests along the way sense your so out of shape. You then take your Jimmy and hit it against the wall causing massive rocks to drop down and crush the dick monster. Demons fly down and poke the monster with stick to make sure its dead. They then look at you and chear, they pick you up in celebration and offer your a job as the new dick monster. Accept [[the new job]] [[Decline]]You accept the new job and at your coronation you make a long winded speach that most of the demons present at the time died of boredom. Those who survived rallied and togeather and got you fired. And by fired I mean they tossed you into a firey inferno. This is the end of your adventure.You politely declin, they are not pleased and toss you into a near by firey inferno. This is the end of your adventure.You bow your head in respect over your comrade. Then trumpets play in the back ground doing that same song you hear at every stereotypical militaristic ceremony. Then you star freeking out because your hearing trumpets play. You run around like a dickliss mad man and some demons come up trying to tell you it was just them. Its to late your to far gone and you spend the rest of eternity in hells mental institution.You yell NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! In the same way Dark Vader did in that one movie. Dark Vader then pops out of the ground and pulls out his lightsaber and cuts you down. This is the end of your adventure. Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.You travel through space and time to fined the perfect dick. Ages pass, countless civilizations rise and fall till you come to a blinding white light. What do you do? Walk [[tords light.]] Run away like a [[like a little girl.]]You refuse to accept who you are and spend life times wondering the earth spooking cats, dogs, humans and anything else you can fined. At some point you get so bored you turn your self in to the Ghostbusters. They suck you up into their vacumm things and you are used for energy to power their internet. Which they used exclusively for dick porn. This is the end of your adventure.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.